Home Sancy Suraj Mastering the Art of Corporate Training: Insights from Sancy Suraj

Mastering the Art of Corporate Training: Insights from Sancy Suraj


In the fast-paced and constantly evolving world of corporate training, Sancy Suraj has established himself as a true leader and innovator. As the CEO of Knowles Training Institute, a leading corporate training company based in Singapore, Suraj has built a reputation for delivering world-class training programs that help organizations around the globe to achieve their goals and stay ahead of the curve.

In this article, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Sancy Suraj to learn more about his journey as an entrepreneur, the challenges and opportunities he has faced while running Knowles Training Institute, and his insights on the future of the corporate training industry.

What inspired you to start Knowles Training Institute, and how did you get your start in the corporate training industry?
Thank you for the question. The inspiration behind starting Knowles Training Institute was my passion for helping people develop their skills and knowledge in the workplace. After several years of working in corporate training, I saw a need for more innovative and customized training programs that could meet the diverse needs of different organizations. I wanted to create a company that could provide these services and help businesses improve their operations, employee engagement, and overall productivity.

My start in the corporate training industry began when I was working as a management consultant for a multinational firm. In that role, I was responsible for training employees on various topics related to leadership, project management, and business strategy. Through this experience, I discovered my passion for training and development and realized that I could make a greater impact by focusing exclusively on this area. That’s when I decided to start Knowles Training Institute.

Starting a company from scratch was not easy, but I was determined to make it work. I spent a lot of time researching the market and identifying the most in-demand training topics. I also invested in building a team of experienced trainers and creating customized training programs that could cater to the unique needs of different organizations. Through hard work and dedication, we were able to establish Knowles Training Institute as a leading provider of corporate training programs in Singapore, and later expanded our reach to other countries around the world.

Overall, my passion for helping people develop their skills, coupled with my experience in corporate training, led me to start Knowles Training Institute. It has been a challenging but rewarding journey, and I am proud of the impact we have made in the corporate training industry.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced while running Knowles Training Institute, and how have you overcome them?
Running a business is never easy, and there have certainly been many challenges that I have faced while running Knowles Training Institute. One of the biggest challenges has been adapting to the rapidly changing business landscape and staying ahead of the competition. With the rise of digital technologies and the increasing demand for online training programs, we have had to continually evolve our services and offerings to meet the changing needs of our clients.

To overcome this challenge, we have invested heavily in digital technologies and e-learning platforms, enabling us to offer a wider range of online training programs to our clients. We have also expanded our reach globally and formed strategic partnerships with other training providers to enhance our services and stay competitive in the market.

Another significant challenge we have faced is managing our resources effectively while maintaining high-quality training programs. As we have grown and expanded our services, we have had to balance the need for scalability with the need for personalized, customized training solutions. To overcome this challenge, we have invested in building a strong team of trainers and instructional designers who can deliver high-quality training programs, while also leveraging technology to streamline our processes and increase efficiency.

Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented significant challenges for our business, as it has for many others. With travel restrictions and social distancing measures in place, we have had to quickly pivot our training programs to a virtual format to continue serving our clients. To overcome this challenge, we have invested in high-quality video conferencing technology and adapted our training programs to a virtual format, allowing us to continue delivering impactful training programs to our clients, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Overall, these challenges have required us to be agile and innovative in our approach to business, while also maintaining a focus on delivering high-quality training programs to our clients. By investing in our team, leveraging technology, and adapting to the changing business landscape, we have been able to overcome these challenges and continue to grow and expand our services.

What do you believe sets Knowles Training Institute apart from other corporate training companies, and how do you ensure that your courses are effective and impactful?
At Knowles Training Institute, we believe that what sets us apart from other corporate training companies is our commitment to providing customized, highly engaging, and impactful training programs that address the specific needs of our clients. We understand that each organization has unique challenges and goals, and we strive to develop training solutions that are tailored to those needs.

To ensure that our courses are effective and impactful, we follow a rigorous instructional design process that involves conducting a needs analysis, developing learning objectives, and creating content that is highly engaging and relevant to the learners. We also focus on incorporating a variety of interactive activities and simulations into our courses to make the learning experience more engaging and immersive.

In addition to our instructional design process, we also rely heavily on feedback and evaluation to ensure that our courses are meeting the needs of our clients. We conduct pre- and post-course evaluations to measure the impact of our training programs, and we use this feedback to continually improve our courses and make them more effective.

Another factor that sets us apart from other corporate training companies is our team of experienced trainers and instructional designers. We carefully select our trainers based on their expertise and experience, and we provide them with ongoing training and professional development to ensure that they are up-to-date with the latest training methodologies and technologies.

Finally, we believe that our commitment to customer service and support is a key factor in setting us apart from other training providers. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and ensure that they are satisfied with our services. We also provide ongoing support and resources to help our clients apply the skills and knowledge learned in our courses to their day-to-day operations.

Overall, we believe that our commitment to customization, engagement, evaluation, and customer support is what sets us apart from other corporate training companies and enables us to deliver highly effective and impactful training programs to our clients.

“At Knowles Training Institute, we go beyond the traditional one-size-fits-all approach to corporate training by providing customized, engaging, and impactful training programs that are tailored to the unique needs of our clients. Our rigorous instructional design process, experienced trainers, and commitment to ongoing feedback and evaluation enable us to deliver training programs that not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations.”

How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the corporate training industry, and what steps have you taken to adapt to these changes?
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the corporate training industry, as it has on many other industries. With travel restrictions, social distancing measures, and remote work becoming the norm, many organizations have had to shift their focus to online and virtual training programs.

At Knowles Training Institute, we have taken several steps to adapt to these changes and continue serving our clients during the pandemic. One of the first steps we took was to shift our training programs to a virtual format, using high-quality video conferencing technology to deliver live, interactive training sessions to our clients. We also developed a range of online training programs that learners could access at their own pace, from anywhere in the world.

To ensure that our virtual training programs are as effective and engaging as our in-person training programs, we have invested in developing interactive and immersive e-learning platforms that incorporate a variety of multimedia elements, including videos, simulations, and quizzes. We also provide ongoing support to our clients to help them navigate the challenges of remote work and remote learning.

Another step we have taken to adapt to the changing business landscape is to expand our services to include a range of consulting and advisory services. We work closely with our clients to help them identify their training needs and develop customized training solutions that address their specific challenges and goals.

Overall, while the pandemic has presented significant challenges for the corporate training industry, we believe that it has also created opportunities for innovation and growth. By adapting to the changing business landscape and leveraging technology to deliver engaging and effective training programs, we have been able to continue serving our clients and helping them achieve their training goals, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.

What is your leadership style, and how do you motivate and inspire your team to deliver high-quality training programs?
As a leader, my leadership style is focused on empowering my team and creating a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning. I believe in providing my team with the autonomy and resources they need to be successful, while also providing clear guidance and support to help them stay aligned with our overall mission and goals.

To motivate and inspire my team to deliver high-quality training programs, I focus on creating a positive and supportive work environment where team members feel valued and respected. I believe in providing regular feedback and recognition for their contributions, and in celebrating their successes and achievements.

Another key aspect of my leadership style is my focus on continuous learning and development. I encourage my team members to continually expand their knowledge and skills through ongoing training and professional development opportunities. This not only helps them to improve their own performance but also enables us to stay ahead of the curve and deliver cutting-edge training programs to our clients.

In addition to these approaches, I also believe in fostering a sense of purpose and meaning in the work that we do. I strive to ensure that my team members understand the importance and impact of the work that we do, and that they feel connected to our mission and values.

Overall, my leadership style is focused on empowering and inspiring my team to deliver high-quality training programs by creating a positive and supportive work environment, providing ongoing learning and development opportunities, and fostering a sense of purpose and meaning in the work that we do.

“A leader’s true success is not measured by their own accomplishments, but by the success of their team. By empowering and inspiring others, a leader can achieve great things and create a lasting impact on the world.”

Suraj’s journey in the corporate training industry began more than 20 years ago when he started his career as a trainer for a leading global consulting firm. He quickly developed a passion for helping individuals and organizations to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals through effective training and development. This passion eventually led him to found Knowles Training Institute, a company that has since become a leading provider of corporate training programs to organizations around the world.

Over the years, Suraj has faced many challenges in running Knowles Training Institute, from adapting to the changing demands of clients to managing a geographically dispersed team. However, he has overcome these challenges by staying true to his values and focusing on empowering his team to deliver the highest quality training programs possible. Through his leadership style, which emphasizes collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning, Suraj has created a culture of excellence at Knowles Training Institute that has earned the trust and loyalty of clients around the world.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Suraj and his team have been quick to adapt to the changing needs of clients and learners by developing innovative online training solutions and investing in advanced analytics tools and capabilities. By embracing these changes and staying ahead of the curve, Suraj and his team have positioned Knowles Training Institute as a leading provider of remote and online training programs.

Looking ahead, what do you see as the future of the corporate training industry, and how do you plan to keep Knowles Training Institute at the forefront of this evolving field?
As we look ahead to the future of the corporate training industry, we can see that the industry is evolving rapidly. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to remote work and online training, and we expect that these trends will continue to shape the industry for years to come.

One key trend that we see is the increasing demand for personalized and flexible training solutions. Learners today expect training programs that are tailored to their individual needs and preferences, and that they can access at their own pace and from any location. To meet this demand, we are continuing to invest in developing innovative e-learning platforms and online training programs that incorporate personalized and adaptive learning technologies.

Another trend we see is the growing importance of data analytics and learning analytics in the training industry. As more organizations look to measure the impact and effectiveness of their training programs, we believe that data analytics and learning analytics will play an increasingly important role in helping organizations to optimize their training investments and achieve their desired outcomes. To stay at the forefront of this evolving field, we are continuing to invest in developing advanced analytics tools and capabilities, and in building partnerships with leading analytics providers.

Finally, we see a growing emphasis on the importance of soft skills training, such as communication, leadership, and emotional intelligence, in the corporate training industry. As organizations recognize the critical role that these skills play in driving business success, we believe that soft skills training will become an increasingly important focus for corporate training programs. To meet this demand, we are continuing to expand our portfolio of soft skills training programs and developing innovative approaches to delivering this training content in engaging and impactful ways.

Overall, we believe that the future of the corporate training industry is bright, and we are committed to staying at the forefront of this evolving field by investing in cutting-edge technologies, innovative training approaches, and world-class talent.

As we look ahead to the future of the corporate training industry, Sancy Suraj’s insights and leadership offer valuable lessons and guidance for anyone seeking to master the art of corporate training. By staying true to his values, empowering his team, and embracing innovation and change, Suraj has built a company that is poised for continued success in the years to come. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned corporate trainer, or simply someone looking to stay ahead of the curve, Suraj’s insights and experiences offer valuable insights and inspiration for anyone seeking to achieve their goals and make a positive impact in the world.

“Personalization, analytics, and soft skills are the driving forces shaping the future of corporate training. By embracing innovation and staying focused on the needs of learners, we can unlock the full potential of our training programs and drive business success.”

As we look ahead to the future of the corporate training industry, Sancy Suraj’s insights and leadership offer valuable lessons and guidance for anyone seeking to master the art of corporate training. By staying true to his values, empowering his team, and embracing innovation and change, Suraj has built a company that is poised for continued success in the years to come. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned corporate trainer, or simply someone looking to stay ahead of the curve, Suraj’s insights and experiences offer valuable insights and inspiration for anyone seeking to achieve their goals and make a positive impact in the world.